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Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:53 am
by Firemedic2000
About a 10 minute video. The guy talks for just a few minutes. Just skip past him. It kinda reminds me of things here. Except at one point the police ran out of ammo. Do you think if America keeps going the way it is. Things will come to this. It pretty much has in some areas in the U.S. I mean with these radical racist left wing extremist calls for standing up and actually killing the evil white oppressors.

Also with the blessing of this ROGUE EXTREMISTS FACTION of OUR GOVERNMENT that allows these BLM and ANTIFA terrorists free reign to destroy and murder. Because the LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY are more concerned about us who've they've classified as a RIGHT WING EXTREMIST domestic threat against their political coup.

Anyways I found this interesting and very disturbing because of the similarities.

Here's a video of private security fighting the what I'll call South Africa BLM because it's exactly what it reminds me of ... 6135810329

Does this NEWS article sound kinda like something that this rogue extremist political faction of our government tried to do to an ex President and still is for that matter.

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:02 am
by Flame Red
Someone I know from South Africa because he saw what was coming, moved here a couple of decades ago is now is looking for another country to move to because he sees it repeating here. Problem is that all the other countries look just as bad or worse to him. The differences, he says, is here they used a different names, and the majority of the instigators are not black, but Libitards.

He cannot afford a private island nation.

He also believes that much of the funding comes from Communist China to help with their world domination master plan to weaken the US so they win WW3 without firing a shot. I think China Joe will hand over the US on a silver platter and his Kommie masters love it.

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:25 pm
by Wulfmann
It is terrible in Joburg but not as bad as Portland but what is?

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:06 pm
by dammitgriff
Protests over ex-president Zuma’s arrest to face corruption charges. It does have a familiar ring to it, doesn’t it?

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:37 pm
by Firemedic2000
dammitgriff wrote: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:06 pm Protests over ex-president Zuma’s arrest to face corruption charges. It does have a familiar ring to it, doesn’t it?
It does...doesn't it :|

BTW that's a pretty cool hot tub setup. Looks alittle hot though :lol:

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 3:05 am
by lilwoody
The biggest issue with South Africa is its strategic minerals and metal deposits. The Chinese wants it real bad. Since they made the war criminal/communist Mandela a saint the whole world knew it would turn into another Rhodesia to Zimbabwe debacle.

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:06 pm
by tector
If I could only remember the name of that Charlton Heston movie....

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:10 pm
by GreyShark
Something I don't see talked about very much(really never) is that Africa has had a Marxist problem since the mid-20th century and that's what's actually behind most of the trouble they're having on that continent today. As an American I'm all for independence and breaking away from colonial rule but rather than a real liberation movement what they got were a bunch of French educated Marxists. Dr. George Ayittey is one of the few voices to speak up for a pro-African anti-socialist agenda. In the video below he gives us a rare view of the truth being covered up by the Marxist narrative.

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:23 pm
by tector
GreyShark wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:10 pm Something I don't see talked about very much(really never) is that Africa has had a Marxist problem since the mid-20th century and that's what's actually behind most of the trouble they're having on that continent today. As an American I'm all for independence and breaking away from colonial rule but rather than a real liberation movement what they got were a bunch of French educated Marxists. Dr. George Ayittey is one of the few voices to speak up for a pro-African anti-socialist agenda. In the video below he gives us a rare view of the truth being covered up by the Marxist narrative.

French educated Marxists also brought you Vietnam and Cambodia (especially the latter). Those two have managed to recover somewhat at least.

CRT is descendant from French leftist intellectuals, too, so we have a lot to look forward to.

Re: Chaos in South Africa. Look familar

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:35 pm
by GreyShark
Yeah, which is a shame when you consider at one time France was a bastion of liberty and reason. Unfortunately by the mid-20th century their university system was already heavily infiltrated by Marxists and a lot of the crap we're getting today in this country even was incubated there. Michel Foucault in particular is widely pointed to as the chief originator of what we now call "wokism." The more I've looked into Marxism the more difficult it is for me to understand what the attraction to it is in the first place. Even if you just wanted to be a spoiled little rebel without a cause as an ideology and belief system it varies from stupid nonsense to disgusting garbage.