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Snagged a German made, High Cap, Poly Frame 9mm yesterday in the middle of the crazy.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:56 am
by Miami_JBT
With the panic in full swing. I was able to get a quality German made Polymer Frame High Capacity 9mm pistol and I was able to get them to lower the price from a $450 striker without tax and background fee to $370, out the door that is $400 even. :o

What pray tell did I get and how is it in such a panic buying season? A Heckler & Koch of course! But not just any HK pistol.... no, no, no, my friends. I went all out and got the super fancy one with the combat sights and 18rd magazines.

Yeah, they had this poor lonely HK just sitting under the glass forever. People have been snagging GLOCKs, SIG P320s, Berettas 92s, S&W M&Ps, etc.... but for some reason, this quality HK just languished under the glass. Alone and forgotten; I just can't see why someone would not purchase such a piece during the Great 2020 Panic. Anyways, here it is....




Yeah, it is a VZ70z, one of the Wunderwaffens from those whacky Germans. Sadly this one was skipped and never imbued with teutonic space magic. But it is a curiosity and a historical relic. It was the first mass produced and commercial available polymer framed handgun.

Here it is with my other HK pistols.


Yes, the trigger is still bad. But, I got a new striker spring coming from Wolff that might make it a little better. It isn't like I'm never going to have this as a duty or carry piece. It is strictly a range toy. It came with a extra 18rd mag and I found two more online for a cheap price.

Mine was made in 1984 according to the production date code. Here are some period ads of the thing.




Hard to believe that HK had them in production from 1970 to 1989. The VP70z and even the VP70m was a commercial flop. But amazing that HK supported such a product that long. According to my research, Paraguay is the only place on the planet that purchase the semi-auto only VP70z for duty use. All the other government contracts for this gun were for the three round burst capable VP70m with the OEM shoulder stock that made it go faster.

Re: Snagged a German made, High Cap, Poly Frame 9mm yesterday in the middle of the crazy.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 12:44 pm
by Deputydave
Nice deal!

Some folks think Glock was the first poly pistol but nope, it was HK :)

Re: Snagged a German made, High Cap, Poly Frame 9mm yesterday in the middle of the crazy.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:14 pm
by indy1919a4
Those always have a unique and wonderful look.. How do you like shooting it..??

Re: Snagged a German made, High Cap, Poly Frame 9mm yesterday in the middle of the crazy.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:40 am
by N4KVE
First polymer gun, long before Gaston Glock thought of it. I have one, bought it from Gander Mountain because it was “different”. It was sitting in a bunch of P-38’s. Original box too. Trigger feels like 18 pounds, but it works great. It reminds me of a Flash Gordon ray gun. GARY.

Re: Snagged a German made, High Cap, Poly Frame 9mm yesterday in the middle of the crazy.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:00 pm
by lakelandman
Nice find.