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Re: Covid19 deaths in Florida

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:59 pm
by Firemedic2000
Well see my problem with those numbers is. When I was with FIRE RESCUE. We'd get called to hospice or a nursing home. Person already had underling conditions that baically was going to kill them or they were dying from.

Now they'd die bless their hearts. But their deaths were always listed from what they had. Now 99% of the time they caught something that always accelerated their death because they were I'll or had compromised immune systems or something.

Some caught some sort of infections, some cause the flu, ammonia or any number of other viruses or bacterial infections. That was pretty much expected.

Now here's the kicker. On the death certificate their deaths were never listed as the flu, ammonia or anything else. Their death was listed from what it really was. COPD, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE ect..ect...did these virus and bacterial infections speed the process up. Absolutely it did, but we did not test for it. We knew what it was simply from the signs and symptoms.

When we catch the flu or cold do we all go to the doctor to get treated of coarse not. Do we get tested absolutely not. If AMERICA got tested for the flu or cold. You'd really see a pandemic. You'd really see deaths that would blow your mind. But trust me. Those numbers are controlled. Think about it just here in the U.S. in 2018 even with a vaccine I believe there was something like 67k confirmed deaths. Remember that's confirmed. Without wide spread testing.

The flu is a much much more deadly virus and it mutates easily. This COVID virus has been blow out of proportion because they are counting every single death even with pre-existing conditions of people that were dieting anyway just to get numbers. They don't do that with the flu.

As a matter of fact I'm not aware they've done that with any virus in my time as a medic. You also notice the big deal in testing is more cases. But what about hospitalizations and death. Not one fake NEWS MEDIA is even taking about that.

As a matter of fact. They released a report saying this. Now pay real close attention. All of the riots not protests. CDC SAID THEY COULD NOT CONFIRM RIOTS HAS CAUSED ANY SPREAD OF COVID 19 :roll: yet everyone was screaming that a Trump RALLY would kill thousands.

I'm telling you right now. Yes this virus has killed people. Is it as bad as the NEWS MEDIA says it is no. It's being used as a political weapon. It's being used as a weapon to CONTROL people. They are using it pretty darn well to.

My self I do not know one person with COVID. Now I know someone who knows someone that does. There are 1.4 million people in Hillsborough County and they say 5k case with 114 deaths. I'd like to know more about those cases and deaths.

Re: Covid19 deaths in Florida

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:24 pm
by playswithstyrene
Firemedic2000 wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:59 pm As a matter of fact. They released a report saying this. Now pay real close attention. All of the riots not protests. CDC SAID THEY COULD NOT CONFIRM RIOTS HAS CAUSED ANY SPREAD OF COVID 19 :roll: yet everyone was screaming that a Trump RALLY would kill thousands.
I put the blame of the increase of the ChiComFlu squarely on the shoulders of "peaceful" rioters & protesters, as well as leftards polikos who told contact tracers that asking people if they had recently been in a riot or protest was völlig verboten. That's why the CDC can't confirm their assholes from a hole in the ground. :roll: