The question was asked would you die for something you believe in.

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The question was asked would you die for something you believe in.

Post by Firemedic2000 »

My response to that question was as follows to that question where it was asked.

Am I afraid to fight for a cause I believe in. No, afraid of dying I'd be lying if I said no. But fear can be good. If need be I'll fight to my death. Fear eventually goes away in battle.

That said though I rather others fighting against me die. But I'm not afraid to stand up against tyranny a cause I believe that if need be I'd SCARAFICE everything fighting against if need be.

Think about your question for a moment.

Did our founding fathers ask each other this very same question before striking the British. Were they afraid, did they have others call them crazy, fools, stupid. Traitors even against the crown.

You bet they did and yet they still did it anyways. Terrified of what might happen to them. They knew the very moment they pulled that trigger. They'd be marked men and lose everything they had ever owned.

But they did it anyways.

Because they had a belief in something so strongly it burn within them to a point they over came their fears and the loses seemed small to the gain. They even accepted their fear for death. In that they decided it was a cause worth dying for.....FREEDOM.

What we witnessed this week was nothing short of a POLITICAL COUP OF our government by a ROUGE POLITICAL FACTION. They did not even care if Americans knew they were were cheating, fixing the vote, even declared ahead of time that this President would not win their state. No matter what. Doing everything behind closed doors. Stopping counts to find more votes.

This election was a blanton travisity of our CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. This ROUGE POLITICAL FACTION has made their plans perfectly clear. They plan on dismantling the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS through the use of EOs and regulations.

That's not how it's done under the constitution. Even Obama knew this. These traitors will not recognize the authority of a stacked SCOTUS as they've described it. But if they've openly done this. Why not threaten the JUSTICES lifes and family. Who will stop them.

The largest question when they attack AMERICA. Who is going to enforce there unconstitutional laws against the citizens. Remember this, these very same people who will threaten you. They live someplace. They have families. That can suffer the same fate they impose against you.

That's not a threat. It's a fact and observation. There has been some violence already occur against this election. Guess who, the same people that protected ANTIFA and BLM are protecting these criminal POLL workers who've refused to let POLL WATCHERS observe, blacked out windows where they could not be seen. Halts counting until more vote can magically appear to change results. The list of travisties is none stop and being openly committed. But hey they are just following orders.....right. Like arresting everyone that's fought back against the left's ANTIFA and BLM.

Like our forefathers as now. Those of us are being told to shut up. There's nothing wrong with this election. Your all stupid, dumb, ignorant and many more words. You'll do nothing so what. Has been the response.

They say hide your guns. Our CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS says we do not have to.

Are you afraid to die for a cause you believe in. No, but I'd rather kill those that are trying to destroy my rights to live free.

I'm not condoning violence. I'm condoning the right to be free and the right to defend our CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS that's been openly violated for all to see.

These people will attack you for even flying or having an American flag on your car. It's already happened to a member's wife here. We've been attacked. The election is not is over. I keep hearing this. Watch more votes will appear. What happened we knew it would. If the courts fail us.

Then we must decide what we will do. They did and have done billions in damage and killed innocient AMERICANS. They aren't done either. They will find Trump supporters and republicans homes. Watch

No I'm not afraid of fighting for a cause. But I fear failure more than death. AMERICA WILL NEVER be a SOCIALIST nation and I will not live as a slave or in fear to any government. We all are going to die we have no control over that. But we do control when and how we die. Slaves living in fear or free men. I chose freedom.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by REDinFL »

No, I'll make the other dumb bastard die for his.

I've taken enough trips around the sun to be somewhat cynical about "...what you believe in...." A lot of people make causes life or death and expect others to die for them. I try to live quietly, not bother anyone, and do not commit (real) crimes such as robbery, murder, pedophelia, etc; I probably commit 2 or 3 Federal felonies and another few State felonies a day, basically because we have so many chicken-shit laws. I demand to be left alone. If my wife, my dogs or myself are attacked, I will fight to the death, and most likely it will be the other creep that comes out second. I will do that without hesitation, compunction or remorse. I've had to swallow enough bullshit in my life that those most likely to do that don't deserve any such consideration.

Anyone who helps those who would attack us will be regarded as complicit, and I will act accordingly.

Ultimately, as the gangs of all kinds grow, that may cause my death so, to that extent, the answer to the original question may become "Yes".
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

I have no kids, no family left and I've enough. I agree with you.

Remember they posted a list of people that donated to trump it's not up-to-date or at least was not. But you can also get the entire voter list of parties to.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by Sweep »

It’s coming a time of unintended consequences
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Sweep wrote: Fri Nov 06, 2020 5:50 am It’s coming a time of unintended consequences
It's here

We are witnessing a corrupted rogue faction of government attempt a POLITICAL COUP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and they do not even care who knows it.

They believe they can just do it and no one will stop them.

Again this has nothing to do with blue or red. It has to do with our rights and exercising those right free from fear of persecution. Free of corruption. This shit is starting to get real. These corrupted traitors are hiding ballots, creating ballots, refusing to release counts, locking out POLL WATCHERS. Disobeying judicial orders, doing everything in secrecy.

It is impossible for people to show up with ballots only for one candidate and none for the other. They conviently stop counting until they find more ballots for Biden.

It's been proven that dead people are voting, out of state people are voting in other states vote Talley machines are not counting ballots.

But what's remarkable is President Trump predicted all of this would happen. TRUMP warned us all what would take place with these unsolicited mass mail out ballots that were not supervised. Even the USPS has been caught now not turn votes in from red areas.

This is an absolute power grab by the most corrupted political faction in America's history. It's a SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS POLITICAL overthrow of America's GOVERNMENT.

The time of unintended consequences has arrived. This election will not go unchallenged. They had their several months of violence. These idoits are awakening a monster that will devour them. They are the arbitrators of their own demise.

A President with DEMENTIA backed by socialist winning states they've already said they'd destroy their job industry and kill tens of thousands of American jobs, raise taxes, open borders, destroy Medicare. Then keep counting absentee ballots till they win. No not in this life time. Every state Biden won is controlled by the SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY with DEMOCRATIC EXTREMISTS SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS. Who refuse to let anyone monitor the votes. Even when ordered by judges.

Everyone of these states that keep finding ballots are controlled by the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY.

unintended consequences will rain like fire from the sky. It's our turn now and we won't loot or burn. I will never recognize this government. AMERICA WILL NEVER be a SOCIALIST nation. I will never bow to RULERS. They are going to start another CIVIL WAR. unintended consequences no there is going to be ABSOLUTE CONSEQUENCES for their betrayal.

Everyone here knew this would happen after seeing all the changes being made to election laws. Plus these unsolicited mass mail out ballots. In our gut we all knew this was coming
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by joel »

Firemedic2000 wrote: Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:52 pm
We are witnessing a corrupted rogue faction of government attempt a POLITICAL COUP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and they do not even care who knows it.

They believe they can just do it and no one will stop them.

This is an absolute power grab by the most corrupted political faction in America's history. It's a SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS POLITICAL overthrow of America's GOVERNMENT.

A President with DEMENTIA backed by socialist winning states they've already said they'd destroy their job industry and kill tens of thousands of American jobs, raise taxes, open borders, destroy Medicare. Then keep counting absentee ballots till they win. No not in this life time. Every state Biden won is controlled by the SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY with DEMOCRATIC EXTREMISTS SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS. Who refuse to let anyone monitor the votes. Even when ordered by judges.


In our gut we all knew this was coming
Since there is no "like" button, I wanted you to know that I wholeheartedly AGREE with you.
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Post by Sweep »

Its my personal opinion that the time is coming , folks will either storm the capital and burn the fucks out or pull a Timothy on it 3 of my employees voted Biden. And were crowing about their family in other states who fliped it . Hope they are happy when they loose they’re 600 a week pay checks, cause i will close my doors probably in the next year if no buyer for the biz. But on a serious note whats the best organized 3% group in the state ?
Who could run a Resistance, that has a track record of running a insurgency ? Seriously the second is hobbled already. I have Mgs( low ammo ) I own grenade launchers (no ammo) they have been pecking at the 2a since 1968. Its taken them 50 years to create a good little commie base by taking over the schools and quietly indoctrinating the litter . Am I wrong To say its my opinion, The time for At the least every person that owns an AR15 M14 and M4 and M 16 or any other form of evil assault weapon needs to show up on the congressional steps with them in hand on inauguration day to send Them a silent definite message
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