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This is what I sent...

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:48 pm
by ab4ka
I sent this message to my US and state senators, US and FL reps and Governor Desantis.

"As a law abiding gun owner, Florida resident and registered voter I have grave concerns regarding all of the current news and the push by some for "gun reform" and "common sense gun laws". While the events of late in El Paso, Dayton and Gilroy are tragic, it must be remembered that no gun in and of itself ever hurt anyone, and further infringements on the rights of the law abiding gun owner will do nothing to stop events like this. Anyone who is intent on doing bad things obviously doesn't care about existing laws, certainly adding new ones is not going to help.

Please understand that we gun owners will not tolerate ANY further infringements on our rights, and how you and your colleagues act in the coming months will be remembered at election time.

Thank you for your time,
James D. Russ
Lakeland, Florida"